Sunday, June 04, 2006

Photos up from the Mad Crow Do Something Together at ProvFlux 3 2006.

Thank You to all who particpated in our project and those who supported us.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Welcome to the Mad Crow Collective

The sky looks different when you’re tied to your friends…

The Mad Crow Collective formed spontaneously at RISD in April of 2006 when Carmen Montoya, John Ewing, Rachelle Beaudoin, Christopher Robbins and Bo Jun were tied together with rope and sent on a psycho-archaeological quest for emoted artifacts in the city of Providence. The nooks of the city took on new meaning for this five-headed beast as it left behind a trail of their experience, like metaphysical snail-sludge.

I just uploaded the bare-bones skeleton of the mad crow collective website, which is initially quite enticing, but then quickly reveals itself as absolutely useless. This will change.